We specialize in dusting, mopping, scrubbing, cleaning, and waxing vinyl composition tile, concrete, ceramic tile, linoleum, terrazzo, and rubber floors for commercial buildings.
We use high-quality cleaning solutions to properly remove the appearance of dirt, dark spots and black streaks.
These services do not include cleaning marble floor, hardwood floor, or private residences. We currently offers multiple floor cleaning services, listed below.
Full-service Floor Clean: A deep clean that brings floors to a shiny gloss finish. This service is recommended to be done every 6-months to 1 year. It includes stripping, scrubbing, sealing, and waxing the floors.
Maintenance Floor Clean: Maintenance is recommended once a month to clients who wish to keep the floors clean and glossy finish until the next full service clean.
Specialty Deep Clean: For floors with grout or in need of a professional deep clean that removes all dirt a mop cannot. This recommended to do once every 3 months.